A long-term partner
We do everything necessary to forge a close fiduciary relationship with you and are proud that our first clients still remain with us today. Annordia works for lasting relationships based on trust and positive results. Over the years we have participated in many of Scandinavia’s largest hotel projects and transactions. A successful hotel investment is profitable not only for the client but also a driver of long-term social and commercial progress in the local environment.
- All Clients
- AB Properties
- Alma Property Partners
- AMF Fastigheter
- Anders Bodin Fastigheter
- Arlandastad Holding
- Artmax
- Atrium Ljungberg
- Backahill
- Business Region Göteborg
- Castellum
- Christer Kjellner
- Cibola
- CIC Hospitality
- Conventibus AB
- Diligentia
- Ernst Rosén
- Geely Gothenburg Investment AB
- Genova Property Group
- GIC Management AB
- Göteborg & Co
- Grandab
- Granitor (former Midroc)
- Helsingborgs Stad
- Hemsö
- Host Property
- HSB Bostad
- Humlegården
- ICA Fastigheter
- Invest Stockholm
- Järfälla Municipality
- Järfälla Näringsliv
- Klövern
- Konsumentföreningen Stockholm
- Kungsleden
- Liseberg
- Lundsbrunn Resort & Spa
- LW Fastigheter
- Mansarc AB
- Mässing Properties
- Meditron Holding AB
- NCC Property Development A/S
- Neobo
- Peab
- Regio
- Region Gotland
- Revelop
- Serneke
- Sigillet Fastighets AB
- Skellefteå kommun
- Skellefteå Stadshus AB
- Sparbössan
- Stadsrum Real Estate
- Swedish Tourist Association (STF)
- Tagehus
- Talentus Hotel AB
- Talentus Invest AB
- TB-Gruppen
- The Kihlström Family
- The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Foundation
- The Swedish Exhibition Centre
- TLBV Hospitality
- Varbergs Fastighets AB
- Wihlborgs Fastigheter